Expanding the Core Values Conversation
Dear families,
As a district, we often speak about the diversity of identities within our schools. We value the individuality that every student, family, and staff member brings through our doors. However, we have not established a clear identity for the Salem Public Schools as a district.
Salem Public Schools has always relied on the city seal to represent the district, and currently uses a logo that was created for Destination Salem, the city’s Department of Tourism. It is long overdue for us to establish a unique identity that unites our 11 school communities. To this end, Salem Public Schools is currently embarking on a branding initiative that will determine a first-ever logo and tagline for our schools.
Many of you have taken the time already to answer this one question. Thank you. We’d like to hear from more of you to be able to add your voice into the conversation.
Please help us by answering the question in the attached form and letting us know if you are interested in taking part in a focus group on this topic.
Your thoughts and input are appreciated and with your participation, we will establish a core value system for our district.