Bentley uses a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) to help ALL of our students grow and succeed in both academics and social emotional learning.
MTSS is a proactive approach that our school uses to improve school safety and promote positive behavior. This work is centered around our Core Values represented by the Spanish word, Regar (to water): Respect, Equity, Growth, Authenticity, & Responsibility.
One way we support our MTSS is to REGAR the Jar! Roostars work together to identify core values in action and fill up their classroom jars with pompoms to earn whole class rewards. Then, each class adds their jar to our BIG jar – when it’s full the entire school celebrates!
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is a huge part of this work, that is used school wide in all grades at Bentley. “Caring School Community is a comprehensive, research-based social and emotional learning (SEL) program that builds school-wide community, develops students’ social skills and SEL competencies, and enables a transformative stance on discipline.” (source)