Learn about the great staff here at Bentley Academy Innovation School!
Read our school improvement plan.
As an innovation school, the Salem School Committee will have the legal and fiduciary responsibility and be the ultimate governing body for the school.
Welcome to Kindergarten!
The Spanish-English Dual Language Program at the Bentley School is an exciting opportunity for Salem students to grow to master two languages, beginning in kindergarten!
BAIS believes that families are essential partners in helping students achieve academically and socially.
Bentley uses a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) to help ALL of our students grow and succeed in both academics and social emotional learning.
There is an amazing team of educators working on spending this money to ensure all BAIS students become phenomenal readers.
Bentley Academy Innovation School’s courtyard, one of several outdoor learning spaces in the school, features garden beds planted and cared for during the school year by emerging bilingual students and their teacher.
The school has seen recent success with its science education program, showing the 3rd highest results for science in the district on the 2019 Next Generation Science MCAS exams.
The Special Education Department oversees the district’s large network of special education providers and services that work to ensure that each child is provided a free and appropriate education.
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Explore how we support the whole student. Social emotional learning and mental health in our schools, positive behavior supports, family engagement, and more
See what we are teaching and how we assess student learners.
Need to know what your options are for afterschool programs? You’ve come to the right place.
Find out how to get technological assistance with your school devices.
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